What people told us about our work

Healthwatch Shropshire gathers feedback on our activities on a daily basis from the people we speak to (public and professionals) over the phone, by email and at events or meetings we attend. However, it is also important to understand which parts of our work people find most helpful and give them the opportunity to let us know what they think we should do differently.
In 2020 we had planned to complete a 360o reflective audit. This was postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In 2021 we decided it was important to give people a chance to give their feedback while acknowledging the ongoing situation would probably impact on the number of people who would respond.
We endeavored to find out the views of people who work or volunteer for organisations who either provide, commission or regulate health and social care services in Shropshire or represent patients and service users or their carers and families.
Find out what people told us.
Full Report
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01743 237884