Volunteer stories

Find out what some of our volunteers said about why they enjoy giving up some of their time to volunteer with us.

I volunteer because I believe strongly that the work that I do makes a difference for some of the most vulnerable people in the County


Volunteers play a vital role in helping people have their say on health and social care.

Volunteering with Healthwatch Shropshire can help you develop skills, gain experience and make a difference to your community.

We asked our volunteers what they liked about volunteering with us. Here's what they said.

Helen's story

Volunteering for Healthwatch Shropshire is so rewarding and the team of staff and volunteers are so friendly and helpful.

Since retiring 4 years ago I have really enjoyed the challenge of being an Enter and View representative visiting health services across Shropshire and listening to what residents of Shropshire say about care homes, hospitals and doctors.

Jayne's story

The commitment required is flexible to fit with your personal life. The staff provide good support and training.

There is a good range of opportunities to talk to the public about their experience of using social care & NHS services through surveys and community stands.

We make a difference to the delivery of social care & NHS services by gathering information from the public about the strengths and weaknesses of services.


Volunteering with Healthwatch is an opportunity to be part of a caring team doing work that makes a difference and effects change for those less able to speak for themselves.


Jane's story

I feel that a good NHS is fundamental to the welfare and well-being of the people of Shropshire.

Volunteering for Healthwatch Shropshire enables individuals to have a voice and contribute to the improvement and review of services leading to improved outcomes for patients.

I enjoy the ability to use skills and knowledge, whilst continuing to learn, and being part of a community of volunteers with the same aim. Healthwatch Shropshire are lovely people, easy to work with and very supportive.