Who do I complain to?
If you would like to know who to complain to about health and social care services in Shropshire please see our complaint contact page.
NHS complaints advocacy for Shropshire
We can provide support and guidance if you would like to make a complaint about an NHS service. For further details please see our Independent Health Complaints Advocacy Service page.
Tips and tools for making a complaint
Healthwatch England has worked with Citizens Advice to provide you with the information you need to make a complaint when things go wrong.
Adult social care complaints
Practical help you can use to make a complaint about adult social care services, including flowcharts, helpful tips and sample letters.
Complaints about NHS services
Information on how to complain on behalf of someone else, top tips for making a complaint and sample letters.
NHS Hospital complaints
This information applies to all patients in NHS hospitals. It also applies if you're being treated in a private hospital when the treatment is funded by the NHS.
Mental health services complaints
If you’re unhappy about your treatment for a mental health problem, you may be able to make a complaint.
Other NHS services
NHS care is usually very good and most people don’t have any problems. But occasionally things can go wrong. Find out more about complaints about other services.
Find out information about how a staff member can report a problem in the NHS or an adult social care service