Have your say on local pharmacy services across Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin

Shropshire Council and Telford and Wrekin Council are calling on residents to take part in a survey that will help shape the future of community pharmacy services across Shropshire, Telford, and Wrekin.

Woman being served by phamacist

The survey forms part of the Pharmacy Needs Assessment (PNA) that takes place every three years. The feedback from the survey will be instrumental in understanding ways to improve the pharmacy services available to in Shropshire and Telford and Wrekin communities.

About the Pharmacy Needs Assessment (PNA)

The PNA evaluates the availability and range of pharmacy services in communities and determines what is necessary to meet the health needs of the community. The PNA considers various factors, including the location of pharmacies, the range of services they offer, and the ease of access for the community. This assessment is crucial for NHS organisations and the local authorities in deciding whether new pharmacy services or premises are required. The ultimate goal is to ensure that everyone in the community has access to the right pharmacy services, in the right places.

Have your say

Both local authorities are eager to hear resident’s thoughts about the pharmacy services near them. Your feedback is invaluable and will help us shape the Pharmacy Needs Assessment (PNA) to ensure that local pharmacies effectively meet the needs of our residents.

Survey questions include how often residents visit pharmacies, their mode of transport, preferred service times, and their overall experience with local pharmacy staff and facilities. Additionally, we are interested in knowing which services are currently used and which additional services would be beneficial.

The goal is to collect opinions that will help evaluate and improve the quality and accessibility of local pharmacy services. This feedback is vital for understanding the present state of services and identifying areas for improvement to better meet the community’s health needs.

Residents are invited to take part in the survey at https://online1.snapsurveys.com/Interview/3c8762c6-aeb3-4092-89d6-bcb21c2ad987

Pharmaceutical contractors are also being asked to take part in separate survey at https://online1.snapsurveys.com/Interview/962613f7-f976-454b-8e3b-8fc9810ba26c

Deadline for both surveys is Friday 28 February 2025.