Patients to be allowed a ‘named visitor’ at orthopaedic hospital

Inpatients at The Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital are to be allowed a “named visitor” under new rules giving them greater contact with their loved ones.
Woman in hospital smiling at the camera with a man pushing a woman in a wheelchair in the background

The Oswestry-based hospital put a halt to visiting at the end of March for all patients except those on end of life care plans, or in other exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the ward manager. That was in line with national guidance in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

But the change – which comes into effect from Saturday (18 July) – does not represent a return to business as normal, as visiting will still be heavily limited, in order to minimise any risk of covid-19 being brought onto the site.

Patients in all the hospital’s orthopaedic wards, and on its medical rehabilitation ward, will be able to nominate one named visitor. This will be the only person able to visit them during their stay at the hospital. The named visitor will be able to book a slot via the ward clerk and will be able to stay for a maximum of one hour.

Similar rules apply for patients in the Midland Centre for Spinal Injuries (MCSI), except that they will be able to nominate two named visitors who will be able to stay for up to two hours.

People can find more information about the new visiting process, including how to book a slot if they are a named visitor, by going to

We would be very interested to hear how families and carers have been affected by not being able to visit their loved ones in hospitals and care settings across Shropshire and how they have managed to maintain communication with both their loved ones and with the staff in charge of their care.