At Healthwatch Shropshire, we’re here to work with local health and care services to make sure they are working as best they can for the people who use them. We know the current coronavirus / COVID-19 pandemic will have a big impact on people’s ability to access the health and care support they need, and on the organisations that provide those services in Shropshire.
We will share the information you provide with service providers, with Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) who are responsible for organising health services in Shropshire and with Shropshire Council to help make sure that their response to the pandemic takes into account the needs and experiences of local people as the situation progresses.
Please note
This survey is here to collect your experiences only. If you require medical help or support, you should contact NHS 111 with COVID-19 related symptoms or contact your GP with other health concerns (check your GP's website for the latest guidance about how to make appointments).
If you require support during the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic Shropshire Council has launched new Community Reassurance Teams, and a new dedicated Helpline, to help those who are vulnerable and in need of help. The Helpline is 0345 678 9028, and is available from 8am to 6pm weekdays, and 9am to 1pm Saturdays.
About this survey
The first part of our survey asks some questions about your experience of accessing health and care services during the COVID-19 outbreak as well as some questions about the impact that this has had on the wellbeing of you and your family members.
The second part of the survey asks for a few details about you to make sure that we are reaching as many parts of the Shropshire population as possible. It should take approximately 5 minutes to complete depending on the detail of your responses.