1. Advice and Information -

    Four questions staff should ask you or a loved one about your oral health if you’re a care home resident, according to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence quick guide.
  2. Advice and Information -

    Are you having trouble finding an NHS funded dentist? Read our tips on what to do if you’re facing problems.
  3. Blog -

    In the summer of 2016 we were contacted by members of the public telling us about difficulties they were having accessing NHS dentists.
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    People seeking help with dental problems should not visit their dental practice but instead phone their normal practice for information and advice on alternative arrangements in place or contact NHS 111.
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    Dental practices will continue to provide services over the Christmas and New Year period, although opening hours for individual practices may vary.
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    We have been hearing from Shropshire residents about the problems they are having getting to see an NHS dentist. Are you having problems? Let us know.
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    We asked people to tell us where they had found good access to NHS dental services and where they had found poor access: 93% of people reported poor experiences of accessing services.

  8. Advice and Information -

    Health and Social Care staff often hear experiences from people about the services they are using and staff may wish to share what they hear to help improve patient and service user experience.
  9. Report -

    Two authorised representatives visited Hillcrest Manor on Monday 25 July 2022. The visit was semi-announced meaning that the service knew that we would visit within a two week period.
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    The size and rurality of Shropshire means that people’s experiences of using services can differ drastically across the county. We wanted to capture the voice of people from different parts of Shropshire and see how their experiences varied.
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    The NHS and the Government have published a plan to recover NHS dentistry setting out a major new focus on prevention and good oral health in young children, and an expansion of dental workforce.
  12. Advice and Information -

    Everyone should be able to access good quality NHS dental services. Take a look at our top tips to help you get the most out of your next dental appointment.
  13. Report -

    We wanted to understand people’s experiences of the maternity mental health support available in Shropshire. We spoke to people who either used services or worked in the local maternity system.
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    Healthwatch Shropshire was involved in Phase 1 of this review with a seat on the MLU Review Board. We took along over 300 pieces of feedback that we have received from services users.
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    The Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin local maternity system will be celebrating the successful introduction of the Baby Buddy mobile phone app, which supports new parents, at two special events in Telford and Shrewsbury on Wednesday, 23 October.
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    The Maternal Mental Health Alliance has published data that shows that the level of specialist support given to Shropshire women and their families is “extremely basic” and “falls short of national standards”.
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    The purpose of the visit was to assess the levels of confidence in maternity services and care following the Maternity Services review and reconfiguration.
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    We are really pleased to see that the Local Maternity Service has taken your views into account
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    Following a lot of media coverage of maternity services in Shropshire, in particular about the rural midwife led units you have shared a number of patient stories with us about experiences of giving birth in Shropshire.
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    Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Maternity Voices are recruiting volunteers to join the Maternity Voices Partnership
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    We reviewed the recommendations in the 2013 maternity services review and developed some key issues to discuss with staff and patients at each of the four units, Bridgnorth, Ludlow, Oswestry and Shrewsbury
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    Healthwatch Shropshire and Healthwatch Telford & Wrekin are concerned that patients, families and staff, past and present, will receive the support they need during and after the review of Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital Trust Maternity Services
  23. Advice and Information -

    A Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP) is an independent team made up of women and their families, commissioners, service providers and local authorities.
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    Unpaid and family carers across Shropshire are being offered more opportunities to get involved in helping shape health and social care services.
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    With the NHS under extra pressure this winter, we need to hear your experiences of care to help services understand what is working and spot issues affecting support for you and your loved ones.
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    Your Local Maternity & Neonatal System (LMNS) team in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin, a partnership of organisations, women and their families working together, has launched a new website full of information to support people through pregnancy, labour and beyond.
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    The Care Quality Commission asked over 25,500 women and people who used NHS maternity services in 2023 about their experience of care.
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    Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital Trust have issued an open letter detailing the progress they have made against the 210 actions set out by the Ockenden Independent Review of Maternity Services in 2022.
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    GP practices in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin will be ‘open as usual’ on Good Friday and Easter Monday this bank holiday weekend. In support of this, pharmacies will also open between 2pm and 5pm on these days, with some planning to open for longer
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    Advice for patients requiring repeat prescriptions through the Shropshire Clinical Commisioning Group (SCCG) Prescription Ordering Direct (POD) service
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    A series of recent news stories have drawn attention to some health service providers seeking to obtain “do not attempt to resuscitate” (DNAR) forms from some groups of patients en masse during the coronavirus pandemic.
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    Social care during social distancing – day services with a difference from Shropshire Council. Teams at Shropshire Council have been adapting their work whilst the usual provision of day services are placed on hold due to the coronavirus
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    Shropshire Council’s passenger transport team is working with the county’s main health bodies to help people get to the coronavirus assessment centres in Shrewsbury and Telford.
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    If you need medical help the NHS is still here for you, and it’s important that people continue to access NHS services for conditions that are not related to coronavirus, say leaders of local NHS CCG groups.
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    ‘Take 2’ steps away from others when you are out and about say health bosses at Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs).
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    A new home-visiting service in response to the coronavirus pandemic is being launched this week by health bosses at Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs).
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    Who can get tested? Testing for coronavirus (Covid-19) has been expanded to everyone over the age of five with symptoms.
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    During Lockdown we wanted to give people the chance to share their experiences to help the health and social care system understand the impact locally and identify any gaps in information and services they might be able to fill.
  39. Advice and Information -

    Working with National Voices and Traverse we've put together some tips on how to get the most out of the virtual health and care appointments both for patients and health and care professionals.
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    Togetherall, a new online mental health support service for young people and adults across Shropshire, has been launched this week. The 24/7 online support service is a collaboration between Shropshire Council’s Public Health Team and Togetherall
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    The app will help the NHS and Public Health understand where and how quickly the virus is spreading, so they can respond quickly and effectively.
  42. Report -

    We asked the public to share their views and experiences of phone, video and online appointments during the pandemic. This is what they told us.
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    Shropshire Council is encouraging all pupils in KS2/KS3/KS4 to complete a short survey to provide an overview of their nutritional intake and emotional health & well-being during the lockdown period.
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    The NHS vaccination programme is underway in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin as part of the national rollout.
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    The NHS has announced the opening of seven large vaccination centres throughout England. The centres are capable of delivering thousands of the life-saving jabs each week and provide an additional option to the local sites across Shropshire.
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    Shropshire residents who are without access to transport are now able to get FREE transport to their COVID-19 vaccination appointments.
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    As of 23 February, unpaid carers aged 18-64 can book a vaccination appointment via the national booking system without receiving a letter. To be eligible, they need to be in receipt of carer’s allowance.