1. Report -

    Agenda and associated papers for the Board Meeting in public
  2. Report -

    The Annual report sets out how we have listened to people and worked with partners through the year to make a difference.
  3. Report -

    Agenda and associated papers for the Board Meeting in public
  4. Report -

    The following questions were asked of our Board and our visiting speakers.
  5. Report -

    Find out what was discussed at our September board meeting
  6. Report -

    Agenda and associated papers for the Board Meeting in public
  7. Report -

    Agenda and associated papers for the Board Meeting in public
  8. Blog -

    This Volunteers’ Week we’d like to thank all of our dedicated volunteers for their contributions to the work of Healthwatch Shropshire.
  9. Report -

    The Annual report sets out how we have listened to people and worked with partners through the year to make a difference.
  10. Report -

    For us to have an impact and enable the public’s views to be heard when services are being created, re-designed, monitored and evaluated we need to continually learn and improve. We need to know what we are doing well and where we can do better.
  11. Report -

    Agenda and associated papers for the Board Meeting in public
  12. Report -

    Agenda and associated papers for the Board Meeting in public