1. Blog -

    You contacted us to let us know that you were having difficulty registering with a GP practice because you didn't have all the documentation they were asking for.
  2. Report -

    The purpose of this visit was to explore the quality of life experienced by residents, looking at Dignity, Choice and Respect.
  3. Report -

    This research follows a two year project, during 2014 - 2016 to develop a death education programme in response to the needs of a number of bereaved young people in Shropshire who had developed anti-social, self-harming, or low self-esteem issues.
  4. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to explore the quality of the patient experience on the ward.
  5. Blog -

    Following a lot of media coverage of maternity services in Shropshire, in particular about the rural midwife led units you have shared a number of patient stories with us about experiences of giving birth in Shropshire.
  6. Report -

    Find out what was discussed at our February board meeting
  7. Report -

    The purpose of this visit was to explore the quality of care experienced by residents and to find out what residents and their families think of any changes in the home in recent months.
  8. Report -

    Between April and October 2016, Marches Energy Agency (MEA) undertook an evaluation of the impacts of energy efficiency measures and associated advice on the reduction of the use of medical and social care services in Shropshire.
  9. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to explore the quality of the patient experience on the ward.
  10. Report -

    The purpose of this visit was to explore the quality of life experienced by residents; looking at Dignity, Choice and Respect.
  11. Report -

    This visit was a return visit to explore the quality of life experienced by residents who have varying degrees of learning disabilities and complex needs, following a visit conducted in 2015.
  12. Report -

    Find out what was discussed at our May board meeting
  13. Report -

    Healthwatch Shropshire Enter & View Policy
  14. Report -

    Prisoners at HMP Stoke Heath raised concerns about pain medication. They told us that people had their medication stopped and that there was no support for coming off these medications, even when people may have been on them for many years.
  15. Report -

    We received feedback that a patient was unable to contact their GP through the out of hours telephone number and there was some confusion over who was covering a regular closed afternoon, the practice or ShropDoc.
  16. Blog -

    Residents at a local care home were very upset with some building work that had reconfigured the communal living space.
  17. Report -

    Unaudited Trustees' report and financial statements for the year ending 31 March 2017
  18. Advice and Information -

    A year ago the Accessible Information Standard came into force. It requires any organisation providing NHS or social care to communicate in a way that everybody can understand. Here's a reminder of what you should expect.
  19. Report -

    We wanted to explore the quality of life experienced by residents in Hendra House, with a particular focus on dignity, choice and respect
  20. Report -

    Healthwatch Shropshire was involved in Phase 1 of this review with a seat on the MLU Review Board. We took along over 300 pieces of feedback that we have received from services users.
  21. Report -

    This visit was a stand alone visit to explore the quality of life experienced by residents of this nursing, dementia and residential home.
  22. Report -

    Citizens Advice Shropshire looked into the impact that the Care Act 2014 has had on people accessing adult social care in Shropshire.
  23. Report -

    We were approached by NHS England’s Health and Justice Team to go into HMP Stoke Heath prison in Shropshire to talk to the prisoners about their experience of health care within the prison setting.
  24. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to speak to patients about their experience of being on the ward. To find out if they feel they are given the information they need, are listened to and involved in on-going decisions about their care and treatment.
  25. Advice and Information -

    The number of people being cared for in their own homes is increasing but what should you expect from home care services?
  26. Advice and Information -

    Fact sheet to help you write a letter of complaint.
  27. Advice and Information -

    The Advocacy Charter was published in July 2002 and defines and promotes key advocacy principles. This charter is the basis for Healthwatch Shropshire’s Independent Health Complaints Advocacy Service.
  28. Report -

    Find out what was discussed at our September board meeting
  29. Report -

    This visit was a stand alone visit to explore the quality of life experienced by residents in Beech House.
  30. Report -

    Following the reconfiguration of wards from single to mixed sex occupancy concerns had been raised. We wanted to speak to service users to understand how sae they felt and if they felt supported by staff.
  31. Report -

    We were made aware that there are some issues around the information provided for members of the public about access to Mental Health Services in Shropshire.
  32. Report -

    Patient feedback to Healthwatch Shropshire showed there were issues around accessing the reconfigured Memory Service. This feedback was shared with the service provider, South Staffordshire & Shropshire Foundation Trust (SSSFT).
  33. Report -

    Keele University student research. The aim was to gather the views of local residents with special communication needs and make recommendations about how services could better meet their health needs by following the Standard.
  34. Report -

    It is known that this community generally suffer from health inequalities but there is very little information about experiences in Shropshire. We aimed to find out more.
  35. Report -

    We had recieved little feedback about the Neurology Services in Shropshire; we were unsure why this was and were keen to understand the patient experience especially as we knew that the neurological services in Shropshire were under pressure.
  36. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to find out if patients are treated with dignity and respect, have privacy and that staff respond appropriately to meet care needs, including preparation for discharge.
  37. News -

    Blue Monday is on 16 January 2023 and is known for being the day when people feel most down during the year. Although feelings aren’t dictated by a date, January can be a hard month and cold weather, Christmas bills and shorter days.
  38. Report -

    Calling for an ambulance in an emergency was highlighted as a pressing issue in May 2022 when Healthwatch Shropshire was asked to put out a call for people’s experiences.
  39. Report -

    Four authorised representatives visited Ward 22 Short Stay, Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, on Tuesday 22 November 2022 at midday. The visit was semi-announced meaning that the Ward knew that we would visit within a two-week period.
  40. News -

    With the NHS under extra pressure this winter, we need to hear your experiences of care to help services understand what is working and spot issues affecting support for you and your loved ones.
  41. News -

    Healthwatch Shropshire evidence has been used in a House of Lords report calling on the government to declare a national emergency to address emergency care crisis.
  42. News -

    We are working with The Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital to improve health equality and would like the help of the local community.
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    Local residents are being encouraged to have their say to improve local health and care services, and to get involved by attending upcoming public meetings, as part of the Big Health and Wellbeing Conversation.
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    While in the vast majority of cases people are satisfied with the care they or their relatives receive from the NHS or from Social Care providers sometimes they don't get the services they want or expect and sometimes things go wrong.
  45. News -

    The Chief Medical Officer at NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin has urged people to attend their appointment if they have one booked during the coming days of industrial action.
  46. Report -

    Agenda and associated papers for the Board Meeting in public
  47. News -

    New Events added in Shrewsbury, 30 March 2023
  48. Report -

    To support Healthwatch England’s Your Care Your Way Campaign, we gathered experiences of people locally, raised awareness of the standard within the local community and shined a spotlight on the impact of communication needs not being met.