1. Report -

    The forward work programme for 2018-19 outlined below has been informed by the intelligence received, the health and social care context in Shropshire and local
    insight by colleagues and stakeholders.
  2. Report -

    Healthwatch Shropshire gives a voice to the key issues that affect people who use health and care services in the county. The report gives details of some of the actions we have taken in response to feedback received from members of the public.
  3. Report -

    Healthwatch Shropshire gives a voice to the key issues that affect people who use health and care services in the county. The report gives details of some of the actions we have taken in response to feedback received from members of the public.
  4. Report -

    Healthwatch Shropshire gives a voice to the key issues that affect people who use health and care services in the county. The report gives details of some of the actions we have taken in response to feedback received from members of the public.
  5. Report -

    Healthwatch Shropshire gives a voice to the key issues that affect people who use health and care services in the county. The report gives details of some of the actions we have taken in response to feedback received from members of the public.
  6. Report -

    The purpose of this visit was to understand the patient experience and quality of care on Ward 22RE, a ward that has, in the past, lacked consistent leadership.
  7. Report -

    We wanted to understand the way this combined clinic works (doctors in different specialties work on the same afternoon) to meet the various needs of cancer patients in particular and how the pressures on the clinic impact on patients.
  8. Report -

    The purpose of this visit was to find out if patients have been effectively communicated with about their care and hospital discharge arrangements, and whether they are treated with dignity and respect.
  9. Report -

    Following the reconfiguration of wards from single to mixed sex occupancy concerns had been raised. We wanted to speak to service users to understand how sae they felt and if they felt supported by staff.
  10. Report -

    The primary purpose for this visit was to understand whether the new location of the Eye Clinic has improved the quality of patient care, both clinically and in terms of the environment. We also asked about the Accessible Information Standard.
  11. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to find out if patients are treated with dignity and respect, have privacy and that staff respond appropriately to meet care needs, including preparation for discharge.
  12. Report -

    Following the reconfiguration of wards from single to mixed sex occupancy concerns had been raised. We wanted to speak to service users to understand how sae they felt and if they felt supported by staff.
  13. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to speak to patients about their experience of being on the ward. To find out if they feel they are given the information they need, are listened to and involved in on-going decisions about their care and treatment.
  14. Report -

    The purpose of this visit was to explore why people have come to the Accident and Emergency Department and understand their experience of the service.
  15. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to explore the quality of the patient experience on the ward.
  16. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to explore the quality of the patient experience on the ward.
  17. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to assess the levels of confidence in maternity services and care following the Maternity Services review and reconfiguration.
  18. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to understand the quality of care provided in a temporary ward; what the patient experience is, and if there are challenges that are perhaps not found in permanent wards.
  19. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to be assured that patients are treated with dignity and respect, have privacy and that staff respond appropriately to care needs, including preparation for discharge.
  20. Report -

    The purpose of this visit was to explore the continuity of care between the acute, rehabilitation and discharge home phases of care after a stroke.
  21. Report -

    The purpose of this visit was to explore why people have come to this Minor Injuries Unit (MIU), and their experience of the service available.
  22. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to explore why people have attended the Minor Injury Unit (MIU) and understand their experience of the available service.
  23. Report -

    The purpose of this visit was to explore why people have come to this Minor Injuries Unity, and their experience of the service available.
  24. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to explore why people have attended the Minor Injury Unit (MIU) and understand their experience of the service.
  25. Report -

    Healthwatch Shropshire visited eight care homes registered with CQC as providing some level of Dementia care to learn more about the care they provide and identify areas of good practice. The visits included both residential and nursing homes. We chose care homes of varying size and CQC rating and in different areas of Shropshire.
  26. Report -

    To find out if patients feel comfortable and are kept well-informed about their care and treatment on this very busy ward.
  27. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to explore the continuity of care between the acute, rehabilitation and discharge home phases of care after a stroke, including the point at which patients are moved to the rehabilitation ward at RSH.
  28. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to explore the quality of the patient experience on the ward.
  29. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to explore the quality of the patient experience on the ward.
  30. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to explore the quality of the patient experience.
  31. Report -

    Agenda and associated papers for the Board Meeting in public
  32. Report -

    Hospital based ophthalmology services
  33. Report -

    The purpose of this visit was to explore the quality of life experienced by residents; looking at Dignity, Choice and Respect.
  34. Report -

    The purpose of this visit was to explore the quality of care experienced by residents and to find out what residents and their families think of any changes in the home in recent months.
  35. Report -

    The purpose of this visit was to explore the quality of life experienced by residents, looking at Dignity, Choice and Respect.
  36. Report -

    The purpose of these visits was to explore issues around access to the community based service, administration issues around the appointment system and experience of care.
  37. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to explore the quality of life experienced by care users in this setting with regard to dignity, respect, choice and safety.
  38. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to look at Dignity, Choice and Respect: The quality of life experienced by residents.
  39. Report -

    In the wake of the Winterbourne Review, Shropshire’s Health & Wellbeing Board requested that Healthwatch Shropshire carry out Enter & View visits to some learning disability facilities. A total of 12 residential homes were visited.
  40. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to look at Dignity, Choice and Respect: The quality of life experienced by residents at Bradbury Court.
  41. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to gather information on the quality of life experienced by service users with regard to choice, dignity and respect.
  42. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to explore the quality of life experienced by service users in this care setting with respect to dignity, choice and respect:.
  43. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to observe the quality of care and treatment experienced by service users in this care setting in relation to Dignity, Choice & Respect.
  44. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to explore how the individual’s dignity is respected in this care setting, and to identify good practice
  45. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to be assured on the quality of care provided to and the safety of the residents at Cliffdale Rest Home.
  46. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to be assured that patients are treated with dignity and respect, have privacy and that staff respond appropriately to care needs, including preparation for discharge.
  47. Report -

    Ensuring services are advertised to patients and ease of access are two of the core requirements for improving access to general practice. The purpose of this visit was to see if the Practice was meeting the requirements as set out by NHS England